
Fresh Start

March 31, 2024
Pastor Brian Atwell delivers encouragement to all who will accept the truth of the resurrection of Jesus.

Living the Call

March 24, 2024
Pastor Brian Atwell shows us what it means to answer the call to follow Jesus.


March 17, 2024
Pastor Brian Atwell opens the door to obedience and drives home the significance of faithful living.

Ninos Contentment

March 3, 2024
When children lose contentment Ninos de Mexico takes action. Guest speaker Mick O'hanahan shares the work and goals of the children's home in Mexico with a passion for the lost.

Hallowed Be

February 26, 2024
Pastor Brian Atwell takes a close look at helping us build a stronger prayer life with a simple outline of faith.

Fast Track

February 18, 2024
Pastor Brian Atwell teaches the merits of fasting to be drawn closer to Jesus Resurrection.

Ten Again

February 11, 2024
Pastor Brian Atwell introduces how to make a good marriage a simple thing to do.

Single Together

February 4, 2024
Pastor Brian Atwell explores the significance of our relationships centered in Christ.

Faith Belongs

January 28, 2024
Pastor Brian atwell demonstrates God's inseparable gift of faith.

Thieves Belong

January 21, 2024
Pastor Brian Atwell defines our personal relationship with our time next to the cross with Jesus.
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